V Sync locking fps issues


Mar 10, 2014
I don't know if this is the correct forum, if it's not I'm sorry. But I just have to say, what the hell? Before I played games on my PC all the time, turning up max settings and everything ran fine. Lately my games have been locking at 30 fps whenever I turn on V-sync. I know it has to do with like the console ports and whatever, and I've turned on V-sync through my Nvidia settings (I have a gtx 770), but that doesn't quite cut it. I still get screen tearing. Why is it all of a sudden doing this? Is there some sort of setting I might have turned on that I need to turn off? If the game did it by itself it would be whatever, but they are games that I've played before with V-sync on no problem. The two examples that I tried to play recently were Dead Space 2 and Splinter Cell: Blacklist. If you guys have any suggestions or helpful hints they would be much appreciated!
sometimes games get patched and they turn on setting for you or games get a grafical update that reqiure more horsepower, your pc could easily get lower than 60fps in those cases and with vsync on its either 60fps or 30fps. tearing is weird tho...
try turning of anything thats called AA, antialiasing, msaa, multisampling, supersampling and those kinds of things.
do you know where I would look to turn that off? (the half v-sync thing) and I'm just curious, how would turning off anti aliasing help? like just not giving it as many things to process could lower the chance of tears?

I edited my other post and included a screen shot of where you would find it... here is the link again
But as i said you will want to check the setting on the global tab...
I know, which I think is stupid. V-sync has always been a priority for me because I can't stand screen tearing. So I'll turn everything else down with v-sync on at 60 fps if I have to. And adaptive V-sync sucks because even though I run at a steady 60 fps i still get screen tearing. I can usually have anti-aliasing up pretty far too. That's what I'm saying is that for some reason, now when I turn V-sync on through the game it locks the game at 30fps when it didn't do that before. Like I said before I would normally just enable V-sync through the nvidia control panel, but when I do that it doesn't even help, I still get screen tears. I'm just really frustrated xD
Yeah I checked that and on the global tab it says that is uses the 3D application setting.. doesn't that mean it uses whatever the game uses? And in the game settings I had it on just adaptive, not half refresh

That's what I'm saying, I've never had an issue with it until lately. And I can't not use V sync, because I can't stand screen tears xD and I run all my games at 60 fps, so I shouldn't be getting that problem anyways
most games drops below 60fps at some time, vsync is going to show it ugly face😛 tears dont show much above 60fps, and then vsync works too, so everything is about getting to low fps, try lowering setting until 80fps, then turn on vsync if its tearing.