VA 4ms 3000:1 OR PLS 4ms 1000:1


Sep 7, 2017

I want to buy a monitor for programming, video-games, movies, 3D modelling, photoshop. etc. (all rage of activities, but slightly more programming and video games), and right now I have two choices.
Samsung CF390 -
Samsung SF350 -

I see that the main differences between the 2 of them are the
Panel Type
CF390 = VA
SF350 = PLS

Typical Contrast Ratio
CF390 = 3000:1
SF350 = 1000:1

I'm still reading different topics about the differences in the Panel Types and, till now, everybody says that VA is slower than PLS, and the colors are not that great.
But on paper, they have the same response time. Also, the reviews of CF390 tell a lot of good things.

I had the chance of seeing both of them in action, with a SD video (a stock one); I was surprised to see that CF390 has a better image quality (because of the contrast?) Was it the light in the showroom, or a VA with 3000:1 contrast offers a higher quality than a 1000:1 PLS?

Also, as you've already seen, the CF390 has a curved display, and this might also give him a better viewing angle.. Is it worth the 30$ price difference. I've heard that the eye will get used to the curve and you won't have problems in modelling.

Thank you a lot!

P.S.: Here is a video of the 2 of them
there is no clear answer to what monitor is best but heres a break down
better viewing angles
increased image quality
better color recreation
better contrast ratio
reports blurred motion becasue normally high response time, making a bad gaming monitor but thats not a issue here
forget about contrast ratio, it makes a un-noticeable difference. to the panel type pls is about as good as a ISP panel so i think i'm gona recommend that panel. to clarafy contrast ratio means the diffrence between the blackest blacks and the whitest whites

Thank you for reply!

If the panel type is the one that does the job in this situation, how come the VA has a better quality than PLS? Or the colors are actually washed out, not better, and I will see this difference while using it?

I don't consider that better light always means better image quality, but in the videos they've played, it seemed like that.
there is no clear answer to what monitor is best but heres a break down
better viewing angles
increased image quality
better color recreation
better contrast ratio
reports blurred motion becasue normally high response time, making a bad gaming monitor but thats not a issue here
Just tested both of them.

As you've said, even if the curved monitor is newer, more expensive and better reviewed, the flat PLS screen offers a higher quality.

The difference is not that big, so now I have to decide if I take the curved display because it looks bigger, or the flat display because it has a bit better quality.

Unfortunate, none of them come to the level of my laptop's display (which is really strange. I would have never expected something like this. And the difference is enormous!) so I'm really disappointed. Unfortunately, I do not afford a monitor with the quality I'm looking for.

Thank you!