Value of a 512 OCZ SSD


May 10, 2015
Hi all,

I'm selling of parts of an old system but have no idea of this particular components worth (in Euro). It's a 512GB OCZ Vector Sata 3 SSD (from around 2012).

My google search isn't coming up with much and I am not sure where OCZ sits in terms of quality. I found an ebay that lists it brand new for 439 US dollars (approximately 393 Euro) but thought that might be a bit far fetched. Can anyone help me appraise this items worth?

Apologies if I have posted in the wrong location.


Yeah that's understandable but not all SSD are created equal, right? This was taken from a build where no expense had been spared. I assumed this particular item was of high quality (i.e not regular consumer grade), however, I don't have the competence to assess the item's read/ write speeds, build quality or whether it competes with other brands today.

Does your 70 euro estimate take these factors into consideration?

Thanks for the comment.

As you can see from the following link, prices in Europe a little higher for the item you mention ( Do you have any idea how the OCZ SSD compares so that I might make a judgement from there?


When it was new, it was an 'average' drive. Nothing special.

As for the "no expense had been spared", 3 years ago, a 500GB SSD was pretty expensive. Today, not so much.

Cheers for the link. The review states that the drive is a "The OCZ Vector is a top-performing SSD that brings stability and support advantages to the table as well". Do you know how the information reported compares with the EVO? The graphs are beyond me.

That 500GB Samsung at is £121.95 - $185 USD. Still well under $200. has it at EUR 168,00

200Euro from your ebay link is a bit high.

Performancewise? It is no faster or more reliable than a current model drive.
My original $75USD stands, IMHO.
^ 3 years ago though mate.
Its 10slower than an 850evo on paper (as I said very good for its day) - its on a par with drives like the crucial bx/mx which can be had for €170 new for a 500gb model - these are new with a 5 year warranty - your drive is used & has 70% of its warranty expired .

€70-80 is what it's worth full stop.

Apologies USAFRet - called you RCFProd on my earlier reply - you guys & your capitals .
The short version of a long story is used PC equipment drops in value exponentially. The reason is that it wears down and is not serviceable. SSD's have a finite lifespan, hard drives can as well, even power supplies. And stuff that is $500 today is $100 3 years from now.

Heck you can buy used 3-4 year old blade servers online for $300, these things were $3000 each new.

Ratings, reviews, etc it all doesn't matter. If you can get 50-75 euros I would take it and run.

Thanks for the contribution.

Yep, I am aware that PC depreciates quickly and would be happy to get the 70 euro for the SSD. I am just attempting to follow the logic behind the 70 euro suggestion because eBay ( and ebaykleinanzeige ( seem to be throwing around different prices (it looks like a 2nd hand 120gb is more in line with the 50-70 euro range).

Thank you for the discussion guys, best bet is to just throw it up and see what happens.
You cant use eBay to work out prices mate - someone will always try their luck with an overinflated price because there's always someone stupid enough to pay it.

For example people were bidding on a 3570k up to around £150 the other week while another guy had 6 on sale for a BIN of £80 each

I've actually seen people bid past a BIN price on an item - eBay is 50% practical bargain hunters/50% idiots.

One strange thing you will find with eBay and it happens world wide is that a lot of retailers have an automated posting system. These listings show up in google sales, eBay, their own website, and are then indexed by pcpartpicker and sites like that. The thing is when they have a discontinued item they assign it a very high price that they know folks aren't going to pay. Instead of taking the time to remove it from their database. Sometimes then people pick up on those listings and post their own for a similar price thinking its normal. But they never actually sell.

I don't know why they do this, but it does happen, and its very likely there is no real physical product to back up that listing. Your best bet would be to look for sold listings of the same product and see what they actually sold for. What someone is asking is no measure of value if nobody is buying it.
For new parts, ebay is the wrong place to compare.
Amazon (US, UK, DE) has the Samsung 850 EVO 500GB for basically the same price throughout.
168 Euro

ebay is good for parts that cannot be had elsewhere. Here, we are comparing 500GB SSD's of similar performance.
1 is new with a 5 year warranty, 1 is 3 years old, most of the warranty gone, and no idea about how it was used/abused.

It's already lost more than half its life, according to the manufacturer warranty. Why should I pay more than 1/2 of what a brand new one costs?

ebay prices only counts for the price it is sold for, not the price they are asking.

But for me, the value of a used SSD is approx $0.

Hmm, well I'm hoping to get a little more than that
😉 In seems this individual is having a bit more luck with a higher price

I should have phrased my question properly. I am less interested in the value and more interested in what I can get for it. I'll try have a run at selling it and post up if I'm successful.

Thank you all for chiming in. The feedback was useful.

It is only 'worth' what someone else will pay.
You could probably list it for 300 ER, and some damnfool will buy it.

What you can get for ir? In my eyes and others here, under 100 EUR.

In this case it did; When I posted there was a bid on it. It was withdrawn with 7 bids at 150 euro.