Valve’s Steam VR Developer Showcase: A Dozen HTC Vive Titles

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The pattern on the background walls is projected from hanging projectors. The pattern on the temporary walls was interesting too.

The content has been talked about in various articles that have been linked within this article and in the comments.

I found the event to be put together well and it looked particularly cool inside. So what? I mentioned that we got a pen and notebook, its part of describing the event. I didn't gush over it, but theres no point in hiding it either.

I hope Elite Dangerous also supports the Oculus Rift. There is talk that Frontier will only be supporting the VIVE and frankly, that's inexcusable as i am a backer of the project since day 1, and the large room scale stuff does not interest me as long as there are tons of wires i can trip over.

Elite Dangerous has always had the intention of supporting Oculus Rift.

Those rumors last week were absolutely false.

Frontier Developments announced in the summer that it was halting work on Rift support while Oculus worked out the final runtime software. This happened shortly after Oculus declared it wouldn't be supporting runtime versions more than a generation back.
Public support for the headset was halted until the final release, but there will be updates once Frontier has the final sdk and runtime in-hand.
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