News Valve Announces Steam Library Update, Dev Tools

These changes might help Steam compete with the many other game launchers and platforms that have debuted in the last year. Epic Games released the Epic Games Store

This is quite laughable. Steam has been working on these changes for quite a while, before Epic launched EGS. EGS isn't even up to par with Steam in features yet. The only competition they present is paying for timed exclusives to major games and making sure said games make a profit by paying for it if it doesn't do as well as expected being stuck to EGS for a time period.

I used to love Epics games. Unreal and UT were a favorite of mine growing up. But somewhere along the line they lost perspective and I can never justify buying from a company that would not only pay publishers to keep a game off their biggest competitors platform but also removes the buyers power. If a game sucks then it should fail but Epics "Revenue Guarantee" removes the buyers power to make that statement.

The others are the real competition and yes the Steam library will do well from a face lift but Epic is, in this case, worse than even EA.