The controller looks like it needs to go back to the drawing board. I'm not going to be buying one of these especially when I have a computer already an the consoles that are out are good enough if I had wanted a console. That controller though, if it doesn't have actual thumbsticks than I know already that it would be a pain in my ass an I wouldn't enjoy it.
the problem is that current controllers and new consoles aren't good enough.
These consoles can't even run games at full 1080, let alone 60fps. While this might not be a problem now, it will become one when we start to move to 4k content. A game like Watch Dogs is going to look like crap being upscaled from 792p to 4k, and on top of that it's going to be running at 30fps. On top of that, current controllers are designed for platformers and shooters. What about strategy games? Why can't we play those on a controller too? I want to play Civilization on my TV with a controller. I think that'd be awesome. Best part is, they've already shown it can be done seemlessly with the steam controller.
If you don't want to give the steam controller a chance, then don't. No one is going to force you too, but if they get this controller design right, then expect Microsoft and Sony to follow, just like when Microsoft redesigned their original xbox controller, and then with the xbox 360 they went with something that was closer to Sony's design.