Valve's SteamOS Now Ready to Download

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Go to the main steam store page, put your mouse over games, click on linux.
...or is that too much effort?

Also remember that when this thing isn't a BETA operating system anymore, it will support streaming, so you can play every single game on steam if you have another computer running it.

If you don't care about any of your data go ahead. The installer wipes everything and sets up its own partition scheme.

Guys... (this goes to everyone)

You have to bear in mind something that the title of this news article conveniently shunts to the sub-text.

This isn't SteamOS. This is the BETA of steam OS. It really wouldn't surprise me that it's got this many issues... I mean, just look at what form they're providing it in - a disk image of a 1TB drive? Come on!

This is not indicative of the final release. As Valve has said, this is for those of us who know linux well and want to play with a beta that's actually in beta, rather than a "polishing pre-release," and help them out.

I personally, having not delved into linux that much, will be waiting for the official release. But... that's because I know what I would be getting into with this. Don't complain about it until you realize what they're giving us - an intellectual toy for those who want to play with it.
500GB is not's the size recomended taking in acount OS instalation and the predictable instalation of a bunch of games, movies, etc. that you might want.

It's like there is a minimum size for HDD that comes with a XBone or PS4....

As for the "1TB" demand, i believe that there is a typo there but i'm not sure....the .zip is little more than 2GB and no matter how much is compressed it can not expand to 1TB, not to mention that 1TB demand contradicts the 500GB recomendation.

Oone of the possible explanations for the 1TB is that SteamOS seems to include a recovery option , if something goes wrong, that will recover everything , including games, in the , it's a kinda mirroring software that mirrors the 500GB minimum recomendation and so, we got to 1TB.

However, i bet you can install this in a 320GB HDD and even with mirroring option, you get 160GB.

At 1st mirroring is a waste of HDD space but then again, it will make it so easy to recover for something catastrofic happening to your instalation.

Another thing is that Steam says that only NVIDIA is supported and indeed, NVIDIA video drivers are the best right *now* under GNU/LINUX and it will take some time, maybe some months, to AMD be on par with NVIDIA under GNU/LINUX.

However, FWIW, SteamOS image already includes AMD Catalyst and Intel video drivers.

It's possible to install SteamOS WITHOUT UEFI:
Hardware recommendations are baaed on actual game & not Linux requirements (storage space for games & memory). This is a full Linux & you obviously can use it as one. Reason for primary support for Nv gpus are drivers as AMDs & Intel's are not in good shape at the moment & besides Intel hasn't have a gpu for serious gaming.
The actual recommendation on the long run with current games that are market available (on PC considering all OSis) is: 1TB HDD, 8 GB of RAM, Nv 760 gpu (or equivalent AMD [7950 boost] on Windows & hopefully on Linux soon) & a fast in off CPU.
So that you rearly can game in peace & comfort.
The 1TB thing must be a typo ....Ars Technica installed SteamOS in a 500GB HDD and discovered that there was 406GB free space left !

What's the point of playing games on computers? There are plenty of board games and outdoor games anyway . . . .

The point is that it is a free a completely gaming centric OS.

Imagine that you have a 600 dollar budget for a gaming machine, and now imagine how much better that machine will be when you don't have to shell out 100 bucks for a windows license.
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