GW has one of those on his 9500.... wait. Lol. He used to anyways, he might have it on his Ti4200 now.
There is the Iceberq (wtf? why q and not g?) 4 and an Iceberq 4 Pro, and im not exactly sure of the differences, but I don't think the cooling ability is any different.
I have one (the Pro) on my Northbridge.
I don't think that it would be much better than a 9700 stock heat sink (GW may disagree), it may be a little better. If you're doing it for looks, or because u need a new one, then that would be fine, but if youre trying to overclock alot, then its probably not gonna help you out much.
"Mice eat cheese." - Modest Mouse
"Every Day is the Right Day." -Pink Floyd