Vapor X 7950 3gb FPS problems


Jan 14, 2013
I have a Vapor-X 7950 that recently brought new.
I seem to be getting a poor performance on games in relation to what I read/saw in reviews and videos and dont see much of a difference from my old 6870. I read that I should be able to run games on Max settings, but as an example the Witcher 2 in max is choppy. I have turned it down to high and its much better but still the odd frame skip. I'm wondering what you guys think the problem could be? I have a i5 2500 (no k) and 8gb of ram. My PSU is currently 500w corsair, although I do have a new one on the way (Again corsair, but 750w) That I had to send back for repairs.

Thanks in advance.
No single or dual card solution can play The Witcher 2 at max settings. Ubersampling crushes it. Even then, the prologue has poor performance, even with ubersampling off.

A lot of people give false promises. No card setup can play all games maxed out with smooth game play. Simply turning off ubersampling, and perhaps a few DoF settings can go a long ways to making The Witcher 2 playable. Also realize that the opening area of the game has poor performance.
13.2 address a problem with the 7000 series specifically on games using DirectX9 primarily. the problem is fixed for the most part for the major DX9 titles but AMD still has to fix them on other dx9 games(if a graphically intensive one should arise) as the fixes were game specific. But in this case, its not that DX9 is an issue, its just that The Witcher 2 runs on any gpu horribly.

Specs below, again thanks for taking the time to reply everyone.

Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit (6.1, Build 7600) (7600.win7_gdr.120830-0334)
System Manufacturer: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.
System Model: P67X-UD3-B3
BIOS: Award Modular BIOS v6.00PG
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2500 CPU @ 3.30GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.6GHz
Memory: 8192MB RAM
Available OS Memory: 8176MB RAM
DirectX Version: DirectX 11
Harddisk: SSD 120gb + HDD 500gb
PSU: 500w Corsair builder series.
GPU: 7950 Sapphire Vapor-X 3GB