Question Various blue screens of death (BSOD) at startup


Apr 30, 2015
Hi forum,

I am getting a number of blue screens of death at startup of Windows 10, and they typically do not occur at a second succeeding boot. I have written down the blue screens I have been getting:

  • ■ Bad pool header
    ■ Page fault in non paged header
    ■ Memory management
    ■ Kernel security check failure
    ■ System thread exception not handled
    ■ Faulty hardware corrupted page

and finally an error message that occurred at the login screen:

  • ■ werfault.exe .. The memory could not be read

I have read in another thread that this could be a RAM failure, but my PC runs absolutely fine after startup.
Any ideas?

Does sound like RAM, and best way to test it out is using memtest86. It'd be a good starting point - nearly all of those errors are memory-related, so chances of bad RAM are high, though other things could also be at fault. So let's eliminate the obvious answer first, run memtest86.

I have just run a 1 hour and 15 minutes test with memtest86. No errors were reported.

I have just done a clean reinstall of my PC. That is, I reinstalled Windows 10 on my SSD, my HDD remained untouched. Could the fault lay in the HDD?