Vcore voltage too low?

Oct 14, 2018
Ok first off I will give the system info.
i7 7700k on water cooling, non overclocked.
I have an Aorus (Gigabyte) gaming 5 z270x and an Aorus 1080ti.
Windows 10-64 bit, 16 gigs DDR4 2666.

What my problem is (And i have seen similar posts here but nothing going as low as my Vcore warning that pops up in windows. It only pops up for about 3 seconds then vanishes telling me my Vcore is dropping below .6 volts which is insanely low. Now thus far it's not causing any problems other then the pop up in windows.
I have reset the bios and set everything to auto minus the ram oc profile and still get the message.
This started right after I got my computer back from being serviced. Yet all that was supposed to be done for service was a rewiring of the system and some fans installed.

I"m unsure what is causing this. If anyone could help that would be great. I seemed to have run out of things to try at this point so any suggestions would really help.

Thanks to anyone who can help with this.