Vega release: Estimated price drops on low/mid range gpus ?


Jan 26, 2017
Hey guys I was just thinking of buying a new card but then some on give me a advise that don't buy GPU now wait for the Vega to release today is the day what do you think will the price GTX 1050 Ti will be droped if it is then how much will be and guys how much price of GTX 1050 Ti will droped in 2018?

Nope. It's a high end card and those do not influence the low end in any way.
At this point the only price drop you should be expecting is the price drop from when the mining craze is over. That doesn't even affect low-end cards like the 1050ti.

Vega won't affect the price at all, and by 2018 you'll probably have enough saved for a better card anyway.
Prices of GTX 1050 Ti are somewhat elevated. It's probably because everyone who wanted to buy RX 570 for 180 € is now buying GTX 1050 Ti. If mining craze doesn't stop, everything from GTX 1050 Ti upward will stay more expensive then recommended by manufacturer.

You mean the GTX 1050 Ti will be more expensive? and what about the old high end cards like a GTX 980 or GTX 780 etc will there price drop or not?

By 2018 NVidia Volta should come out, so GTX 1050 Ti will probably be replaced with new gen model. I don't think prices will rise, but I don't expect it to fall either, if mining craze persist. Manufacturers price recommendation for 1050 ti is 145 $ if I'm not mistaken, I don't expect it to go under it anytime soon.
Vega is a GTX1080 class competitor, and is priced accordingly.

If you are shopping used, check ebay. Prices will be based on a price/performance basis.

If you are shopping new, buy what you need today, today.
If you wait for the next best thing, you will wait forever,

In 2018, who knows? I think we will see even higher performing cards than the GTX1080ti, and they will command a luxury price. Lesser mid range cards will not come down in price much until the mining craze goes away.
Even then mid range cards will not drop much unless manufacturing process improvements allow it.

They have dropped, but they are still selling in gtx 1060 range and there is no reason not to. They have similar performance. Don't expect prices of gtx 980/970 to drop to/below 1050 ti level. They're better gpus.

You can't go any cheaper then GTX 1050 or GTX 1050 TI performance/price ratio wise. Next best thing is GTX 1060 3 GB, if it's not out of your budget. RX 570 used to have best p/p ratio, but mining craze has put it out of reach. Maybe you can find used reasonably priced GTX 970 on Ebay, but I personally wouldn't bother with used GPU. You never know, what you get.

Thankx let me check the link