But memory bus isn't everything, now is it...
No memory bus isn't everything so lets look at the whole architecture.
Full AD102 is 76.3M transistors giving 18432 shaders on a 384bit bus for 96.76 Tflops.
4070ti* is 35.8m transistors giving 7680 shaders on a 192bit bus for 40.09Tflops.
So lets look at the relative amount of the architecture to what the previous 3 generations of 70's gave.
4070ti* - 47% transistors giving 42% the shaders on 50% the buss for 41.5% the Tflops.
3070 - 61.4% transistors giving 54.8% the shaders on 66.6% the bus for 51% the Tflops.
2070 - 58% transistors giving 50% the shaders on 66.6% the bus for 49% the Tflops.
1070 - 61% transistors giving 50% the shaders on 66.6% the buss for 53% the Tflops.
Last 3 generations of 70 non-ti were pretty consistent and they gave you half the architecture for half the Tflops of performance while the 4070ti* is giving significantly less so it's not even a 70 non-ti let alone a ti. There wasn't a 10 or 2060ti but there was a 3060ti and what did that give you. . . 45% the cores for 40.5% the performance . . . . . . hey thats like the 4070ti*!
Now I wonder if they have a GPU which does give you what the previous 70 non-ti's gave you . . . oh they do lets have a look it's
60% transistors giving 52.5% the shaders on 66.6% the bus for 50.5% the Tflops.
Hey that GPU fits in EXACTLY with the previous 3 70 non-ti, same transistor count, same shader count, same bus, same performance, I wonder what card they'll end up putting that in . . . . oh wait it's already out cos it's the 4080 16GB! The 4080 16G is LITERALLY what the last 3 70 non-ti cards were except . . you know . . . fkn $1199 instead of $500!
People up in arms about the 4080 being pushed to $1199 when it's really the 4070 being pushed to the price and called an 80 to try and hide just how much they're trying to push up the price tiers.
Seeing how cut down the 4080* and 4070ti* are (since they should be the 4070 and 4060ti) and they still have the 4070* and 4060ti* to come, what the hell are they gonna put in the 4060*? At this rate it's only gonna be the same performance as the 3060 but cost 40% or something more :|