Question Vengeance 32GB RAM timings ?


Aug 19, 2019
Hi folks! I bought for my system a Vengeance 32GB 3200mhz RAM kit (samsung c-die).
I wanted to ask is there any benefit to tighter the timings? Currently xmp is activated! Here are some screenshots with xmp timings! Hope someone will help me how to tight the memory?! Rest of system 5700x3d, msi b450 tomahawk (non x)

Wanted to ask is there any benefit to tight the timings?
With some programs, e.g. certain video editing software, you don't gain much from higher XMP speeds. Other programs benefit more. Only way to be certain is to benchmark each app before and after tweaking timings.

You should see a few percent improvement if you overclock RAM, but you won't double overall system performance, even with the tightest timings.

I value RAM stability over chasing the last nanosecond of performance. A system crash due to unstable memory timings near the end of a 12-hour long video render is not fun.
I like to tinker and "overclock" everything.
But my systems must be 100% stable.
A 12 hour render is nothing to my systems. A cake walk.
They run 24/7/365 as long as the power is on.
It takes many hours for each component to find out what it can do.
Then even more hours finding out what they will do "together".
once dialed in weeks of stress testing.
P95 along with Furmark and 3dmark for a few weeks on a loop, if she passes, she starts folding.
Hi folks! I bought for my system vengeance 32gb kit 3200mhz (samsung c-die). Wanted to ask is there any benefit to tight the timings? Currently xmp is activated! Here are some screenshots with xmp timings! Hope someone will help me how to tight the memory?! Rest of system 5700x3d, msi b450 tomahawk (non x)

Cl16 is normally the sweet spot for Ryzen on ddr4 .

Cl16 at 3600 is as fast as id go

3200 with a cl of 15 or 16 is as good as id go.
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