Question Vengeance Ram won't overclock

Apr 5, 2020
So finally got my i9 9900k overclocked using the built in AI feature on my Asus Z390-f. All running great so now targeting my Ram. It's Corsair Vengeance RGB Pro 2x16gb 3200. It runs at 2133 standard but doesn't seem to want to go above that at all. Even at 2266 it boots, says memory text ok! Save settings, press F1, Then won't go past the BIOS setup. Do the auto settings work? Or is this a totally manual job of voltage and timing tinkering? Was hoping to get some increase when set to auto. XMP just point blank refuses
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Hey there, I've got the same memory, it's running at 3200 with XMP with no troubles at 16-18-18-18-38, thought it's completely unstable even at 3400 with 18-20-20-20. Maybe I've got very unsuccessful piece 🙁
P.S. I've got Samsung B-Die chips.
Mine are Samsung too. Really struggling to do anything with them. I literally can't get them to do anything other than run stock. I've tested them and there are no errors. I also have the latest bios firmware. Spent days on it trying everything but nothing is working for me. Built it nearly 6 months ago but only getting round to overlocking it but determined to get it working.
I would apply the xmp profile and then check if dram voltage is applied correctly. Should be 1.35 v. If it does not work try 1.4 v. If that does the trick try to find the lowest stable voltage in between.
Can only get it to run at 2266 by setting it manually. XMP just refuses to work. Might try another pair of sticks as I'm starting to believe it's my board. Seems like a common enough problem from what I've been reading.