Version of Windows for new build?


May 2, 2017
I'm in a bit of a pickle trying to choose an OS for my first build. I currently use Windows 8.1, and while it originally had me begging for windows 7 back, I've gotten quite used to it and am happy. I wouldn't mind getting an 8 licence, but I was advised to get 10 since it's futureproof and 8 updates are supposed to stop in 2023. That beinng said, that's still 6 years away and I'm wondering if it would be worth it. Then there's the issue of a cheaper OEM version, but if I'm forced to upgrade to 10 after updates stop, I'll have to buy a new mobo as well.
So my many questions can be summarized into:
Is Windows 10 really as annoying and user restrictive as I've heard? Would getting pro make it any better?
Would it be worth it to stick to Windows 8 for now? Will it remain reliable even after the updates stop?
Should I bother trying to get an OEM version to save a bit of money in either case?
Please be as extensive as you want in your answers, I'm really in it for opinions.
lol @ futureproof, nothing is. They made future proof PC in 80's and no one would want to use them now.

Is Windows 10 really as annoying and user restrictive as I've heard? Would getting pro make it any better?

I never found it annoying so might be wrong person to ask. Never found it restrictive unless you mean its update schedule and that cannot really be avoided by using Pro as Microsoft want people to stay up to date regardless of what the people want.

Would it be worth it to stick to Windows 8 for now? Will it remain reliable even after the updates stop?

I stayed on win 7 instead of using 8 as the UI repulsed me and my PC was 7 years old by then so I didn't see benefit of running latest OS. I normally upgraded to...
lol @ futureproof, nothing is. They made future proof PC in 80's and no one would want to use them now.

Is Windows 10 really as annoying and user restrictive as I've heard? Would getting pro make it any better?

I never found it annoying so might be wrong person to ask. Never found it restrictive unless you mean its update schedule and that cannot really be avoided by using Pro as Microsoft want people to stay up to date regardless of what the people want.

Would it be worth it to stick to Windows 8 for now? Will it remain reliable even after the updates stop?

I stayed on win 7 instead of using 8 as the UI repulsed me and my PC was 7 years old by then so I didn't see benefit of running latest OS. I normally upgraded to newest version of windows as soon as it was released , but age of PC was enough to hold me back.

win 8 patches are cumulative so that is 1 less reason to stop using it. Unlike win 7 which had 412 patches last time i looked, the rebuild time isn't a barrier to keeping it. If you happy with the os I would just keep using it until the end looms and decide then if you haven't got a new PC by then.

If you play games you will never get DX12 on Win 8

Should I bother trying to get an OEM version to save a bit of money in either case?

Main reason to get retail is if you want to move install to another PC. No difference otherwise