I'm in a bit of a pickle trying to choose an OS for my first build. I currently use Windows 8.1, and while it originally had me begging for windows 7 back, I've gotten quite used to it and am happy. I wouldn't mind getting an 8 licence, but I was advised to get 10 since it's futureproof and 8 updates are supposed to stop in 2023. That beinng said, that's still 6 years away and I'm wondering if it would be worth it. Then there's the issue of a cheaper OEM version, but if I'm forced to upgrade to 10 after updates stop, I'll have to buy a new mobo as well.
So my many questions can be summarized into:
Is Windows 10 really as annoying and user restrictive as I've heard? Would getting pro make it any better?
Would it be worth it to stick to Windows 8 for now? Will it remain reliable even after the updates stop?
Should I bother trying to get an OEM version to save a bit of money in either case?
Please be as extensive as you want in your answers, I'm really in it for opinions.
So my many questions can be summarized into:
Is Windows 10 really as annoying and user restrictive as I've heard? Would getting pro make it any better?
Would it be worth it to stick to Windows 8 for now? Will it remain reliable even after the updates stop?
Should I bother trying to get an OEM version to save a bit of money in either case?
Please be as extensive as you want in your answers, I'm really in it for opinions.