For many years my lag has been on and off bad with periods of intense lag increase. I am running a Windows 7. Right now I am having lag so bad that the computer is almost unusable.
The Browser will have periods of loading things quickly for about 10-15 seconds, and then 5 seconds of disconnect. Frequently pages will not load fully in the browser or pictures/logos will be gone or missing. Every now and then the page does not load at all. Strangely to fix the issue, I disconnected from network and reconnected. Then it would reload the page (refresh wouldn't reload it) but within another few minutes the issue would come back.
Frequently I get these error messages in Chrome
Error Network Change
Error DNS
Error No Network
Gaming is no longer possible. Old games lag between every single command.
Newer games that have live streaming essentially behave as follows. I will have periods of no lag at all, it will last about 30 seconds to a minute. Then like clockwork I get a 5-10 second disconnect. It happens every single minute. It's like clockwork in the game, I know a lag spike is about to hit and I have to bunker down in a safe spot to wait it out for 5-10 seconds. Sometime the spike is so hard I have to toggle my wireless connection on/off again to get it to reload.
Strangely, even the router page takes a long time to load. When pulling up the router in my browser I expected no lag, but I am seeing something like what I see surfing normal web pages. The router configuration pages take forever to load, either do not load at all, or semi-load.
I am running Windows 7. I used to think it was my ISP, but every computer and other device in my household runs at lightning speeds so it has to be just this computer. The computer itself was one I made 8 years ago. It's network chip is still 2.4 Ghz and the router we have is a 5Ghz but I don't know if this would have any effect. I always have 3 - 4 / 5 Bars on my computer which doesn't seem bad so I don't know if there is interference from the basement floor.
The Browser will have periods of loading things quickly for about 10-15 seconds, and then 5 seconds of disconnect. Frequently pages will not load fully in the browser or pictures/logos will be gone or missing. Every now and then the page does not load at all. Strangely to fix the issue, I disconnected from network and reconnected. Then it would reload the page (refresh wouldn't reload it) but within another few minutes the issue would come back.
Frequently I get these error messages in Chrome
Error Network Change
Error DNS
Error No Network
Gaming is no longer possible. Old games lag between every single command.
Newer games that have live streaming essentially behave as follows. I will have periods of no lag at all, it will last about 30 seconds to a minute. Then like clockwork I get a 5-10 second disconnect. It happens every single minute. It's like clockwork in the game, I know a lag spike is about to hit and I have to bunker down in a safe spot to wait it out for 5-10 seconds. Sometime the spike is so hard I have to toggle my wireless connection on/off again to get it to reload.
Strangely, even the router page takes a long time to load. When pulling up the router in my browser I expected no lag, but I am seeing something like what I see surfing normal web pages. The router configuration pages take forever to load, either do not load at all, or semi-load.
I am running Windows 7. I used to think it was my ISP, but every computer and other device in my household runs at lightning speeds so it has to be just this computer. The computer itself was one I made 8 years ago. It's network chip is still 2.4 Ghz and the router we have is a 5Ghz but I don't know if this would have any effect. I always have 3 - 4 / 5 Bars on my computer which doesn't seem bad so I don't know if there is interference from the basement floor.