Discussion Very cool fans from LIAN LI


Soon we won't need a monitor. Spend all day staring at PC... better not add too much RGB or you won't see picture.
~Mmm, yes... the tempered glass panels will transcend into monitors and case pricing will ascend another 200 bucks or more...

I can't freaking do it, man. I can't...
My dull, form-over-function self only sees one real use of this, and it's short term attention clawing on reddit or other.
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Win 11 Master
I used to have Icue run the AIO pump RGB with a similar color pattern based on CPU. That was before I replaced my AIO, no RGB on its pump now.
I could use GPU RGB to track CPU temps. But it doesn't change the color, just makes a line longer to show temp increase.
There are easier ways to see temps, I just look at my task bar as I have HWINFO showing the CPU core/Package temps, SSD temps & GPU temps.


Win 11 Master
its his fans, unless he has it in display in his window, no one else will see it.

Probably color schemes that work for color blind people, its only a really tiny percentage of people who can't see any color, most just see it differently to others.
its his fans, unless he has it in display in his window, no one else will see it.

Probably color schemes that work for color blind people, its only a really tiny percentage of people who can't see any color, most just see it differently to others.
It was just an idea that worked for me as I'm no (excuse the pun) fan of lighted fans. If control SW didn't provide this option, I wouldn't even connect RGB.


Win 11 Master
I wasn't before I got it. But since I replaced AIO recently and chose the argb version, I guess I got used to it. Having a glass side panel kind of pointless if everything is dark inside.

I am still not sure I would want displays on my fans... then you need them in a spot you can read them. Mine are at wrong angles

it only really works for fans mounted facing side of case...
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