Saying "8GB is not enough" or "modern AAA games require more than 8GB vram" is not misleading because it is said within a certain context. The context is: 8GB is not enough to run modern AAA games at a level you would expect from a newly released GPU in 2023 at prices like these. Even Hardware Unboxed, who really started this "movement" (god bless them), have pointed out numerous times that their beef is not with 8GB cards, but 8GB cards at these prices. How is this not clear by now? Why are we being so pedantic about supposed lack of nuance when the argument was made clear thousands of times before? Yet at the same time we have these corporations deliberately butchering their products, withholding value from consumers, desperately trying to cling to their cryptoboom profit margins.
Speaking of "misleading", this whole "vote with your wallet" mantra is exactly that. My "vote" of not buying a budget gpu means nothing against someone else's purchase of a gpu nearly three times as expensive as that. For example, the 4060 vs 3070 Ti (even if it's a regional case). The only way my vote counts is through community pushback. And now that we have it, i find it silly that we're insisting on accurately presenting the claim every time, or not making it at all.
have a 1650 super with 4 gb ram and it plays everything i throw at it perfectly fine. don't know nor care what the settings are and i and the others who use it enjoy every moment of play time.
Oh really? Did you buy it in 2023 for +400$? I bet not.
As for gpus somehow being connected to self-validation, epins and personal insecurities... only a child would make that connection. Implying that's the issue with the 8GB vram discussion is completely missing the point. Also, doesn't sound very "secure" to me, whatever that means and whoever "you" and "your world" is.
But since having an old gpu is so cool, apparently, i should mention that i'm sitting on a 10 year old 2GB GTX 750Ti as a main and only option. Ikr, i'm such a badass. Now where is my Medal of honor?
My point is, me and others here and elsewhere are not arguing the 8GB vram issue from a standpoint of spoiled brats, as some here would like to present it. I'm not even speaking for myself, but for the sake of people like me, especially the young ones. You know, these people someone crazy enough would call "gamers". Not Nvidia tho
(or AMD for that matter, although they are slightly more "generous" imo), they refer to a different type when they use that word. You know, the type to act as a gatekeeper of having fun. The type to enjoy fighting pixelated dragons just like when he was a child, but claim everyone else is entitled for wanting value for their often hard earned money. The type to suggest that if you dislike the malicious practices these companies employ, you're only allowed to not buy their products and then shut up about it, unless you make sure you wrote an entire essay explaining the full context of something so obvious. The type to prefer developers optimizing games for cutdown products instead of fixing essential bugs or working on new games and content. The type to parrot that most people play on 1080p, without ever asking himself: Why is that? ...