Well, I left a 2600k i7 for a 7700k i7.
I bought this processor have 1 month.
My temperature before the maximum was 68º in FullLoad. Now it reaches 95ºc.
I have a H105 cooler, Artic MX4 thermal paste. I've reapplyed 3x correctly (Just a small drop in the Center), cleaned radiators, check everything. It's all OK.
Iddle temperature: 28-32ºc.
FullLoad Prime95 temperature in 25 minutes of use .: 88-95ºc
Core Voltage: 1.36v
PLL Voltage: 1.15v.
Core Ratio: 50x
Core Ratio Cache: 42x
AVX: -2
Clock: 5.0ghz in normal use / 4.8ghz in stress test
TOP: H105 with PushPull / (Exhaust)
REAR: 1 Cooler / (Exhaust)
FRONT 2 Coolers / (Intake)
BOTTOM: H75 with PushPull (Intake) for GTX 1080.
I bought this processor have 1 month.
My temperature before the maximum was 68º in FullLoad. Now it reaches 95ºc.
I have a H105 cooler, Artic MX4 thermal paste. I've reapplyed 3x correctly (Just a small drop in the Center), cleaned radiators, check everything. It's all OK.
Iddle temperature: 28-32ºc.
FullLoad Prime95 temperature in 25 minutes of use .: 88-95ºc
Core Voltage: 1.36v
PLL Voltage: 1.15v.
Core Ratio: 50x
Core Ratio Cache: 42x
AVX: -2
Clock: 5.0ghz in normal use / 4.8ghz in stress test
TOP: H105 with PushPull / (Exhaust)
REAR: 1 Cooler / (Exhaust)
FRONT 2 Coolers / (Intake)
BOTTOM: H75 with PushPull (Intake) for GTX 1080.