Very hot i7-7700k


Oct 7, 2014
I have always thought since I built this pc a couple months ago that my i7 was pretty hot. I have had a realtemp on for the past two days. When playing games like shadow of mordor or R6 the temps go all the way up to 84c. I dont like my cpu being in the 70s let alone 84. My cooler is the corsair h75. My room does get on the hotter side when the AC is off, but 84 still seems very high. A couple weeks after I built my pc I redid the paste on it because it seemed to be running hot. Did not seem to help though.

TLDR; CPU temps up to 84c, h75 cooler, any suggestions
Power off, turn off '- o' switch on PSU. Remove your cmos battery for a minute and put back. Turn on everything, reboot. Your bios is in quick start mode, this should reset to normal startup and you can enter bios.

No OC, I would try to OC but considering the temps are in the 80s I dont want to. I suppose 85c isn't too high, but just in my head it seems high. Also my build before this one I had an i5 4690k and it barely got to 70c ever. So I've been a little confused since I built this computer.
Blowing 82F air onto a radiator will get you 5C warmer cresults than blowing 22c/72F air on the radiator. ( if running an Asus mb, realize if MCE is auto/on in BIOS, you are running all cores at 4.5 GHz instead of 4.2-4.3 GHz as 'normal' , so temps will be higher than 'standard'.

I have a gigabyte mobo. But now I am confused as to how to get into bios. There is no startup screen, the first screen i see is the windows 10 login. I was going to check for this problem but I cant seem to get into bios now.