My Internet Speed is 200Mb/s but Im downloading an Update for a game and im getting 1.70 MB/s on the download. I did an Internet speed and im only getting 60MB/s overall. When our Router is a 200Mb/s router.
Don't believe the theoretical numbers for routers. That is for best case scenario. Try and connect your computer directly to your modem, and see what it is. You should getting 20-25MB/s, but that depends on the servers.
Don't believe the theoretical numbers for routers. That is for best case scenario. Try and connect your computer directly to your modem, and see what it is. You should getting 20-25MB/s, but that depends on the servers.
I did a Speedtest and was getting 192 MB/s did another Speedtest 1 minute after and boom 49 MB/s