Very Inconsistent Internet


Jun 10, 2014
My Internet Speed is 200Mb/s but Im downloading an Update for a game and im getting 1.70 MB/s on the download. I did an Internet speed and im only getting 60MB/s overall. When our Router is a 200Mb/s router.

So plug in your computer DIRECTLY to your modem and bypass the modem. We need to isolate if it is a network, computer, or router issue.

I did a Speedtest and was getting 192 MB/s did another Speedtest 1 minute after and boom 49 MB/s

I'm super bad when it comes to Internet. I have the Router in my room. and I have it wired.

So plug in your computer DIRECTLY to your modem and bypass the modem. We need to isolate if it is a network, computer, or router issue.