Very loud system (NOT loud fans)


Nov 29, 2015
tl;dr for once it's not the fans of a build that are loud, so I'm lead to believe it's the case (somehow..?)

I bought a Vivo mid-tower case about a month ago (links below) and it came with a couple of Yhs fans. When I powered on my system, it was very noisy... as in, VERY VERY noisy. As in "this thing is literally a garbage truck" noisy. Naturally, I scapegoated the fans as being the noise-makers. I spec'd them, and they were 35-38 dBs! Absolutely UN-ACCEPTABLE!

After snooping around, I found a suggestion on this site to get Nanoxia deep-silence fans. I found that they were between 12-20 dBs, and that these were definitely the right ones for me (or so I thought...). Today they came in, and after wrestling with my case to evict the old ones, I finally put the new ones in. But someway, somehow, somewhy, it is still EXACTLY as loud as before, despite the new many times quieter fans... I covered up all the fan holes to restrict air flow to find where the noise culprit might lie, but even after covering them all I was still hearing a boatload of noise from the inside of the case.

So my conclusion is as such: is it just possible that my build is that incredibly loud (30-40 dBs)? There is an air-in fan from the front of the case, bringing air in to sweep over the mobo and wiring towards an air-out fan located in the back. There is another space for an optional third fan I left unused on the case's side panel. What could be causing all of the noise? I will provide additional information as needed, because this is something I've never experienced before and I'd like to get to the bottom of it all!

My case:
My old fans: (couldn't find a picture, just specs)
My new fans:
I found my own answer; it's the infernal heatsink! Borrowed from a 2010 HP Slimline, I never considered it to be a noise culprit, but little did I know... so keep THAT fan in mind when tracking down noisy fans as well!

For those of you curious as to how I ascertained this, after putting my ear to all four sides of the case, I still had no idea how it was so noisy. To try to disrupt air flow to see if that was the problem, I took off the side panel. It didn't help and actually made it a little noisier, so I put my ear inside the case and listened around, and it seemed to be coming from the heatsink itself... I gently pressed my finger down on the center of the fan blade to slow it down and immediately everything started to quiet down. It just goes to show you that every fan can make noise! Now to find suggestions for a better one...