Very low fps in far cry 3


Dec 20, 2013
I don't get it My computer isn't that powerful buts its not so weak that it would get around 20 fps on ALL low setting in far cry 3 whats up?

My rig: 8 gb ram, geforce gt 630m, intel core dual i7-3520@ 2.9 ghz
What resolution are you running your screen at? DX9 right? Almost guaranteed it's your video card.

Looking at benchmarks you need to run at a resolution of 1366x768 or lower to get 30+ fps. And that may not even be constant. I imagine to get a nice smooth game you'd have to run at 1024x768 on low.
What resolution are you running your screen at? DX9 right? Almost guaranteed it's your video card.

Looking at benchmarks you need to run at a resolution of 1366x768 or lower to get 30+ fps. And that may not even be constant. I imagine to get a nice smooth game you'd have to run at 1024x768 on low.
That is what i am running 1366x768 on all low and its at around 17-20 fps... would i be able to run bioshock infinite?

also why does the geforce expeirience keep giving suggestions on far cry 3 that i can't handle?
you can run bioshock infinite too but at lowest settings
try changing the resolution to 640*480(lowest)to get 45 fps I know u wouldn't like it but that way you can increase your fps and yeah put on all the graphics to low that should speed it up