very slow internet


Nov 14, 2017
Recently changed WiFi router due to it being damaged, It is the same model and same wires ect.. Before the change I had 150-200 download and 10-12 upload speeds, Now I only have 5-9 download (upload is fine though) IDK whats wrong here 🙁

to add to this when ever i play a game on my main screen and watch streams/videos on the other, for example when i play league and im watching something as well, my ping jumps from 30 to 90 and when i play PoE i get huge lag and stuttering, This has never been an issue before

my specs are;
cpu, amd fx-6300
gpu, gtx 1050 ti
8gb ram
motherboard, asus lx3
storage is fine
650w power sup

I'm the only person in the house with this problem, im stuck with 9download and they have at least 150, its impossible to do anything

also just checked out my hub settings and seeing my device has a maximum of 10mbps and another device has 1000mbps.. wtf lol
Change your IPV4 address ---


how do i check this?

Changing your ipv4 will result in a small change.
Do not expect a big change.
Comcast or Xfinity will rip you off.
Wait until local wify by version takes over.


Open the router's web interface and if it is dual band there will be a page somewhere showing the connected devices and the WiFi band used (2.4 or 5 GHz).