I got into a car accident 2 weeks ago. I checked my computer after and it booted to windows but the monitor got messed up. I went and got a new one. Plugged it into my Radeon GPU and she booted. However, it was weird....windows acted as if I had just installed it...I clicked skip and ingot to my desktop. Then the screen started tearing and become discolored pixels. Now in getting an error 62 with GPU in. I switched to the onboarding after I pulled my gpu out. I get an AO but still no display. I'm very tech savvy....but I honestly dont know what to do here....I have a z390 aurus ultra mobo and a radeon rx....geez I dont remember the number but I bought it last year for about 199....any help is greatly appreciated. After the accident I'm dead broke...I was moving....I'm in the middle of nowhere maine and now I don't have my PC....please help....