VGA Charts III: why do games only run at 60hz?


May 30, 2003

I was checking the VGA charts III benchmarks, and I was wondering why all games in the benchmarks run at only 60hz and not 75Hz (or more) since I thought minimum 75Hhz is the recommended refresh rate for comfortable viewing?

Thanks in advance for the info!
It used to be a bug in DirectX and or WinXP, I don't know if it was completely fixed but I think that there are still some games that run at 60HZ no matter what you do. I also know that some games let you select the refresh rates. Playing games at a low refresh rate isn't great, but reading an article at 60HZ will drive you insane sooner or later. I like 100HZ but I can only get that at 1152x864 and I use 1280x960 which the screen only says that it supports at 85 (100HZ works but I don't know how healthy that is).

<b><A HREF="" target="_new">I'm an Intel fan</A></b>
But how come that ALL the games in the benchmarks run at only 60Hz and they are all latest games I believe? Can't you play all those games at 75Hz (or higher) for comfortable viewing?!
I guess some of them can run at higher frequencies but Tom's people wanted to keep all the benchmarks the same even if the score won't change. (sometimes, when you don't make sure that everything is the same, problems which don't seem anything realated the the canges you made begin to appear)

<b><A HREF="" target="_new">I'm an Intel fan</A></b>
As far as I know it is Windows that limits the games to 60Hz...if you have a NVidia card (I say this cause I do not know the tool for ATI cards or if they have the same problem) you can get the NVRefresh tool which will allow you to play games at any available refresh rate. Going from 60 to 100Hz is a wonderous can get in 3-4 more hours of gaming before you pass out from the strain..

"It's a common conceit in games: play, die, reload, and ride the karmic wheel of kick-ass, until you get it right"
For your information... ATI don't need a special software. You only have to change some settings in the Catalyst Control Panel to get your games and windows running at higher refresh rate.

Would you buy a GPS enabled soap bar?
Where do you change that in the Catalyst Control Panel and does this set a fixed refresh rate for all apps and games, or will games still perhaps override this and set there own refresh rate?!

PS: just wondering, but if you go from 60Hz to 75Hz or higher, will you lose fps/performance in games?
Nvidia don't need specialist software either; refresh rate override is a standard feature in the drivers (although i beleive it was omitted from some)

Dont have a clue why it sticks at 60hz... maybe to bring in some uniformity?
I only run at 1600x1200 or 1280x960 with 100Hz refresh, unless i have no choice (damned Halo ;P ) due to 22" of eye-burning iiyama glare, 3 inches from my face, kinda makes me go blind after 10 mins at anything less!!!

Render times? You'll find me down the pub...