VGA error code 12 (resource conflict)


Jan 30, 2014
Where to start...

I've recently installed windows 7 ultimate 32bit on a old Vaio VGX-202XL, everything went smoothly except for the fact that my Nvidia 8300GS now reports an error code 12


The result is completely botched colours, a fixed resolution at 800x600 that cannot be changed and messed up graphics in general (can't be seen in screenshots for some reason).

Going in desktop resolution and adapter properties the VGA appears as "VGASAVE" and it reports that it conflicts with the following device:


I've checked device manager and this is the results



The display adapter shows the correct VGA with the error code 12 flag, below is the PCI express root port 29A1 that showed up as a conflict before.

What I tried:

Before even realizing what the problem was I tried updating drivers, drivers can be updated but nothing changes I'm not even sure it's affecting the VGA.

After noticing the error code I started browsing the internet, I tried changing the driver of the various PCI express root port to "Standard PCI port" using device manager update driver and browsing compatible drivers, no luck.

I tried disabling the root port 29A1, the result is that the display adapter also disappears from device manager (regardless of the fact I have show hidden files active), once I restart the computer with said root port disabled I get standard looking windows in everything but resolution (I still can't change it), device manager is still hidden and if I attempt to install NVIDIA drivers the program doesn't find any compatible hardware as if the VGA is not connected when I could before disabling the root port.

I'm at a loss here, please help.
Uninstall any old video drivers and try to install any new drivers if there are even any available. You have two different devices or drivers trying to use the same space so you have to get rid of all other than what you plan on using.
Right-click on the Nvidia 8300GS Filter Driver, uninstall the device, check the box to also REMOVE THE DRIVER FILES (otherwise it will return immediately) and reboot the computer. Install any missing device drivers normally, and reboot again, and you will no longer have the Code 12 error.
So I tried removing the display drivers (checked the box and everything) and this is the result.


After restarting the PC drivers were reinstalled just under another name now, if I attempt to uninstall these drivers I get no option to remove the driver files.


Should I go remove these drivers manually?