VGA HDMI AND DVI will not display

Nov 16, 2018
Hey do when I used my computer yesterday everything was fine. But when I when to turn it on things really got strange , and nothing was being pushed to the monitor. absolutely nothing. I've already checked the monitor with another computer, it works, and all the cords work as well.
This happened to me last week however I still had access to VGA. I went into the BIOS and reset display settings to default and HDMI worked again.
It's a rather old computer, 7 years... I really need this thing to last until I can replace the parts come black Friday.
Need system details, assuming you have an add-on card since you have a bunch of connections, need to test the card in another system and another card in yours. Did you already re-seat all the parts? Really not much you can do here without swapping out for known good parts and seeing what fixes the issue.