VGA led error on motherboard


Nov 14, 2016
Hey everyone!

So i just recently build an new sweet build which has been playing very well. Its to weeks ago and now suddenly i get an VGA error on my motherboard... I tried rebooting my computer a couple of times and suddenly it came on... When i did the same thing again nothing happens except for the VGA led button lights up and a black (enlighten tho) screen comes up...

Does anyone have an answer for this? Could really help a desperate fella out!

CPU: Intel i7-6700k
Graphics: MSI GTX 1070 gamin x 8gb
Motherboard: MSI h110m gaming
PSU: VS650

I'm gonna try and plug the power supply in and out of the GPU... The fans are working on the GPU tho

Thank you so much for taking your time to respond!

Do you have any suggestions for getting it out? I'm having difficulties finding a useful (and safe) way to push the latch. The latch is placed under the motherboard which is impossible to reach without using a long and thin tool to try and push it. The CPU cooler is on the opposite side of the card.