[SOLVED] VGA light flashing after new motherboard and 4 gpus

Feb 19, 2022

Recently my computer screen froze, and after a reboot only one of my 3 monitors was working and the resolution went from 1080p to 720p, and after trying to restart, all component RGB still worked and the boot looked fine, except no monitors would power on. We ordered and replace the PSU and Motherboard (meaning to get new ones) and the problem still persists. We noticed the VGA light was on on the new motherboard (MSI B550), however we tried 4 different GPUs and nothing changed. What’s the problem?

Old Specs:
Ryzen 7 3700X
RTX 2070 Super
Corsair RMX 750 Watt Gold
Corsair H100i
Corsair Vengeance Pro RGB 32GB
ASUS X470 Pro
2 Year old System

New parts (Purchased about a week ago):
MSI B550 Tomahawk
EVGA 850 Watt Gold