VGA to HDMI. Will it fix the horizontal lines?


Jan 8, 2016
I have a Radeon HD 7850 2GB OC and I have an issue with horizontal lines appearing (not screen tearing) when gaming (cable is VGA converted to DVI). V-Sync and OpenGL Triple Buffering has already been turned on always but its not going away.

I tried the GPU with another monitor with the same cable and it still has the horizontal lines but when I connect it to our T.V with HDMI to HDMI, it disappears. So my question is, will swapping a VGA to DVI converter to a VGA to HDMI converter fix this issue? I don't have a budget for a new monitor as my monitor only has VGA connection.

Thank you in advance.

So you have your answer, if it works fine VGA to VGA with no converter, but with a converter it does, converter is causing the issue.

I'm very sorry for the late reply.
It works fine when not converted. It also worked fine with DVI converter with my previous card which is GTX 750.

So you have your answer, if it works fine VGA to VGA with no converter, but with a converter it does, converter is causing the issue.

Thanks. Just wanted to make sure I had other options other than buying a new monitor, but it seems it is the only one.