Video and audio out of sync


Sep 8, 2015
For the past week, no matter what browser/website I watch videos on, be that netflix or youtube, the audio and video always end up 5-10 seconds out of sync, I have tried unplugging my second monitor, reinstalling my video drivers, with a clean install, and have even tried using the built in speakers on my tv, all of which are out of sync still. Any suggestions? Also, I don't know if this is the right category to put this in but, you know...
If you mean like a windows update, i believe so.. Let me check on that
The most recent update was on 1/11, and that was to the windows malicious software removal tool, and the one before that was on 12/15 for the Cumulative update for windows 10. But the problem started in between both of those, not right after the 12/15

My account is the only one on the pc.
It seems to have been adblock, considering i had it on all of my browsers i can see why. I changed which adblock i was using and that fixed the issues, thanks for the suggestions.