Video card does not send video to display?


Oct 18, 2014
I have a relatively old card, a geforce gt 630 and I tried it in my Gateway, win 8 rig and I plugged in all the cables correctly. But my monitor received no signal? I had to remove the card and hook the VGA back into the integrated ports and it worked. I let a certified PC tech take a peck at it but no luck as well? I gave up and thought, what the heck? So I through the thought "DOA" card into a 2007 vista rig and it worked?! Boosted windows rating from 3.0 to 4.5! Anyways, why didn't the card work in my more modern rig?
Win 8
AMD a6 3620 quad core proc.
Integrated Radeon HD 6530d
500gb HD
6gb RAM
Mobo: ACER DAA 75l - aParker 48

I did a little research and fixed the problem. I had to go into the Win 8.1 bios and disable "Secure boot" under the Authentication tab. Once doing so I had to go to the Boot options tab and check the "Launch CSM" option to 'Always' and make sure the Video OpRom is set to legacy. Once doing this I had to save and exit, shut down the PC and install the card.