So, a couple days ago my computer randomly crashed under normal use after a couple blackouts of the screen with the message that the video card driver had failed and then, subsequently, had recovered. After the crash, it rebooted and was seemingly back to normal for a few minutes until it happened again. After that, there has been a myriad of issues as I've attempted to troubleshoot the issue.
I've had this build since 2011 and it's been very stable to this point. The video card I have is:
EVGA SuperClocked 01G-P3-1461-KR GeForce GTX 560
I was using a 22" Samsung monitor until 2 months ago, when I got a 27" Viewsonic. The only issue I detected after the monitor upgrade was some stuttering in 3d games, but the system remained stable.
I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the video card drivers. I tried uninstalling and doing the auto install from device manager. That installed, but the issues remained. I tried uninstalling and manually selecting the drivers that I had downloaded from nVidia's website and Windows didn't apparently like those, causing the install to fail. Then I tried installing the drivers from the nVidia download itself, and after the install seemed to work, I got a BSOD on restart.
I booted into safe mode and the display worked out, albeit at the lower resolution, so I'm not sure what's up.
Given the spontaneous nature of the driver issues and the inability to install drivers that won't screw up the whole system, could this be a hardware issue? Perhaps the video card itself has gone bad? It doesn't seem like the hard drive or motherboard, but I could be wrong. Any advice?
I've had this build since 2011 and it's been very stable to this point. The video card I have is:
EVGA SuperClocked 01G-P3-1461-KR GeForce GTX 560
I was using a 22" Samsung monitor until 2 months ago, when I got a 27" Viewsonic. The only issue I detected after the monitor upgrade was some stuttering in 3d games, but the system remained stable.
I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the video card drivers. I tried uninstalling and doing the auto install from device manager. That installed, but the issues remained. I tried uninstalling and manually selecting the drivers that I had downloaded from nVidia's website and Windows didn't apparently like those, causing the install to fail. Then I tried installing the drivers from the nVidia download itself, and after the install seemed to work, I got a BSOD on restart.
I booted into safe mode and the display worked out, albeit at the lower resolution, so I'm not sure what's up.
Given the spontaneous nature of the driver issues and the inability to install drivers that won't screw up the whole system, could this be a hardware issue? Perhaps the video card itself has gone bad? It doesn't seem like the hard drive or motherboard, but I could be wrong. Any advice?