Can anyone help me with Asus geforce gt 240 fan disasembling?
Cause i dont want to buy a new gpu cause am on real tight budget.
And ive seen some other asus video cards with the same cooling fan
So any help would be appreciated!
The link to the cardhttp://
You'll never get answers to your problems if you don't provide information that's pertinent to the problem. Now are you trying to replace the fan assembly on the graphics card?
You'll never get answers to your problems if you don't provide information that's pertinent to the problem. Now are you trying to replace the fan assembly on the graphics card?
Sorry for the last reply i was kinda annoyed and in hurry.
What am trying to do is open up the fan it self. Some thing like this
But with a gpu cooling fan
Oops i meant dismount the fan.
And i want to know whats wrong with it!