Video card for output to CRT TV


Sep 28, 2011
I have an old Dell Dimension 2100 (P4, 2.3Ghz, 2gb memory, XP Pro) which I want to use as a Media center PC. I have a VGA to s-video/component video, but the Dell has integrated graphics, and the picture's nothing special, and Boxee says I need a video card w/ at least 128mb of memory to run right.

I don't need to do any gaming or graphics work - I just want to watch Internet TV and stream from Netflix. What specs do I need on the graphics card to get a high-quality picture and not have any performance issues? All help is appreciated.
I was going to recommend HIS 5450 but then you need to connect to an old tv...


I read the post again and I picked this up

So does this mean you already have a vga to s-video/component video converter?
Well then the PCI HIS 5450 or the Zotec PCI GT520 is good for that because it has vga out and you use the convertor from the card to the tv. It even gives you a little boost on the video playback becasue of the hardware decoder for .264 content. Although I am not sure how well it can play HD .264 content. But my old P4 couldn't play HD .264 before until I put a AGP 3850 in there and use the hardware decoder.