Video card question


Sep 4, 2014
Ok so which is better performance,?? two GTX 770's sli'd OR one GTX780ti? Need pros and cons to both of these options please. Help me out
always go with the most expensive single card configuration you can as single GPU will have least issues in games and then you always have the option to get a 2nd one down the line when prices drop. but wait for gtx 980 thats what i would do their coming out soon.
I'm with esco - wait for the 980. i7 Baby - have you ever done SLI?
When it works(after you overcome hurdles - heat, drivers, game support, power supply requirements), it works well. I have done it in the past with SLI GTX 460s - not in a hurry to get another GTX 670 to SLI in my work/gaming computer.
heat = heat (2 cards generate more heat than 1)
drivers = drivers (can take a while till the drivers get optimized for SLI configurations, like when new games come out)
game support means not all games are optimized to utilize SLI, although pretty much all of the big, demanding titles are these days.

SLI is just more complicated than a single card, one card can render a frame more smoothly than 2 cards working simultaneously so I'd imagine (tho I have no experience with SLI myself) you can more frequently experience a "lagging" feel to the motion on the screen.