video card upgrade for bf4


Mar 10, 2014
I wanted to know if there are any good video cards that can run bf4 and Cs:GOthat are under 100$ or under 75$.

i found these:$abcat0507002&cp=1&lp=2

I am not sure if thes can run bf4 though. I have the required cpu (i checked on Can you run it) and i am gonna get 4gbs of ram.

Thanks in advance
A 7770 will probably serve you well

That should mix well with medium settings. Question though, what does the rest of your computer look like? For instance, we need to know the specs of the power supply to ensure it can properly run a graphics card. If not, we will have to recommend a lower powered model such as the 7750. Also, what cpu do you have? Can I run it lists some rather low requirements for bf4.
Those could run it on low setting but it wouldnt be pretty. 4gbs of ram will help but not the most important thing you have to worry about hardware wise. To run BF4 smooth you will want a quad core processor and at least a 750 like the other guy suggested. I know its a little out of your price range but its worth the extra time to get the money. You dont want to get stuck with a weak graphics card like the ones you listed.

what is the difference between the cards that I found and these cards? How do you tell if a graphics card is a good car? I am kind of new to graphics cards and i don't really get the difference between them. thx
Mostly because yours are very beginner cards... used for basic usage and very light gaming (minecraft or flash games ect..)
The ones i posted are for entry to amateur cards, but still preform well for the money..

There is many ways to check out, and see what graphics cards are good.. You can check for performance by just googling the name of the graphics card (which ever it may be) benchmarks and you can see a list of how well it preforms..
Or you can actually research the card and look at the GPU clock speed (MHz)
Size of the memory bus (bits),Amount of available memory (MB),Memory clock rate (MHz),Memory bandwidth (GB/s), RAMDAC speed (MHz)

here's a good link that'll describe how to see which cards are good and being able to tell :)

hope this helps😀

Also, on a side note what is the rest of your PC? So we can see how well you'll preform and tell you if you need other upgrades