RaisingTheBarHD :
p4nz3rm4d :
Might i ask at this point: are there any major flaws you can see of either the mac or the pc? Such as cost, or performance. While you can get better performance for the same price, as Larry Bob correctly stated, you will never need a 7970, nor a 4770k for what you are doing. So put it this way - you can get a sub-par operating system on better hardware that you will not use, or a dedicated machine that is tried and tested in your field. Its a compromise both ways, but you can always put windows on the mac if you feel the need.
My problems are: Pc = driver support, sony vegas, building time, customer support. Mac = upgrade ability later on. I would much rather work with FCP 7 than sony vegas or adobe any day but thats just preference. I would most likely wait for the new chipset in the imac which should be released later this month. plus i like apple keyboards hah
Those are very valid points, and I shall try my best to assuage them.
-Drivers often give users problems. Scroll through the GPU section on this website, and you will be shocked. Even experienced users have issues sometimes.
-Software choice is really up to you, but since you prefer Final cut, I would aim for that.
-Building time is not really an issue. You can have a working PC in an hour or so.
-There is no customer support. A warranty is the best you will get. Nothing more.
-Updatability is an issue, but you can get a decent resale price in a few years. You will be able to upgrade the entire machine with this lump sum of money, pl;us a bit extra.
Frankly, a mac is better for you. Before the rest of the posters get angry, take a look at my rig below this post. Yes, your eyes don't deceive you - that is a windows build! I also have a macbook, and of the two, I would pick my old 2011 MacBook Pro over my awesome gaming rig any day! I would be all-mac if it weren't for the fact that I gamed.
Back to the question - you should work backwards. If you are going to be using a specialized piece of software, then go for the one you prefer. The rest of the build will fall into place.