Video problems playing TV over DC10plus card



Archived from groups: (More info?)

All I want to do is be able to watch video comin in over my AV
connection on my PInnacle DC10+ card on my monitor at a decent size.

The studio 8 software that came with the card will only show the video
in a tiny preview window unless I record it to my harddrive and then
play that which seems a little pointless.

I have found a couple of free apps that will supposedly let me see
watch the video stream fullcrteen or at some other resolutions
windowed on my desktop.

The video displays fine in a window at resolutions up to about 320x240
but as soon as I try it full screen or at 640x480 or bigger I see
0.5secs of motion the it freezes for 0.5secs then moves, then freezes
ad infinitum.

I am assuming that as it displays the video fine at small resolution
it is being decoded ok so the issue must be with the display. I have a
Leadtek branded GeForce 2 Ultra with the latest drivers.

Any one have any ideas as to what might be causing the problem?

Thanks in Advance.



Archived from groups: (More info?)

"Graham Simms" <> wrote in message
> All I want to do is be able to watch video comin in over my AV
> connection on my PInnacle DC10+ card on my monitor at a decent size.
> The studio 8 software that came with the card will only show the video
> in a tiny preview window unless I record it to my harddrive and then
> play that which seems a little pointless.
> I have found a couple of free apps that will supposedly let me see
> watch the video stream fullcrteen or at some other resolutions
> windowed on my desktop.
> The video displays fine in a window at resolutions up to about 320x240
> but as soon as I try it full screen or at 640x480 or bigger I see
> 0.5secs of motion the it freezes for 0.5secs then moves, then freezes
> ad infinitum.
> I am assuming that as it displays the video fine at small resolution
> it is being decoded ok so the issue must be with the display. I have a
> Leadtek branded GeForce 2 Ultra with the latest drivers.
> Any one have any ideas as to what might be causing the problem?
> Thanks in Advance.
> Graham.

Try AMcap.
I sometimes have to start my normal capture program, (Movie Mill)
to initialize the capture card, then exit that and start AMcap. It works
great if you want to have a "borderless" display box that you can make
any size, have always on top-or not (F12), go full screen and back, and
take stills.

[Forgot whose post clued me into this little gem.]
