Video tdr failure

I used to get tdr failures using a riser cable. Turned out to be interference. My machine cannot deliver data over gen3 x16 through my riser cable given the interference around my computer but it works perfectly fine on gen2 x16 or gen3 x8 mode.
GPU's dont slowly die. They either work or they dont. My advice to you is to try and re-seat your video card. What I would do next is try to play a game while watching your graphics card temps. Maybe its just over heating. If you recently updated your video driver, use your device manager to roll back the driver to the last one.

The artifacts appear even in the bios screen. But when I delete the drivers and windows reinstalls it automatically, the problem is gone.
The artifacts dont appear even when using furmark /unigine heaven/oc Scanner. But when the gpu starts cooling (I monitor the temp using msi afterburner) to around 40C, the system crashes with white tile like artifacrs

So your card starts to wanna crash when it starts cooling? When the load drops off?
Have you ever done any overclocking with the card? It's kind of starting to sound like a power delivery issue. Perhaps the hardware that manages your cards voltages is damaged in such a way that it can't deliver a stable power supply at lower voltages anymore and it becomes noticeable while your card is down stepping clocks and voltages. I'm totally guessing, I'm no expert but if your card becomes unstable while its downclocking I would manually set clocks and voltages so that it can't drop down to unstable levels. What was once stable may not be anymore.
I had a fx cpu once that was overclocked for a few years and when i tried to drop the oc off so i could sell it. I noticed the cpu wouldn't run at its original stock voltage anymore. Even at stock clocks due to cpu degradation. Basically the cpu only works at its old oc voltages now. weird eh?