Videocard HD 6970 Fans 100% RPM


Dec 19, 2013
Hello everyone,

First of all, I'm sorry for my bad English. I have a small problem with my videocard. When I start up my pc the fan of my videocard (HD6970) is at a speed of 5500 RPM and will continue like this until it boots into windows. When I try to tweak it in MSI afterburner, not much happens. Sometimes it wil go back to 4900 if i set the fan speed % to 1. It makes alot of noise as well.

After a while (let's say half an hour) it just stops making noise and does back to 2000 rpm, how i ordered it to in MSI afterburner. It's strange because this happens randomly. It can start speeding up again no matter what i'm doing.

I already cleaned the card (Dust removal), updated the drivers, updated the driver of my chipset and reinstalled msi afterburner.

My question is: Do any of you know what this is and do you have any experience with it?

Thanks in advance!


Luke Phillips

May 27, 2013

It might be. I would check your bios and see if there are any weird settings enabled