I have a sega genesis as a classic video gaming console, for quite some time. Trouble is, I bought this extremely cheap composite to HDMI converter off of Amazon. While the converter works, if plugged into my monitor for 10 or so minutes, you can see faded flickering lines on the screen if you move your head side to side. After seeing that, I put the cheap converter into a draw, never to see the light of day again. My monitor is completely fine now.
After going back to Amazon to get a good quality converter, I decided to research a composite video capture for my computer. Basically, instead of using the video input on my screen, you plug the device into a USB port and use capturing software to display the image on a screen. This can be a big plus for me, as I always use my computer and this can allow myself to capture game play off of the sega genesis. I also heard that you can improve the video quality of the video with via capturing software.
Is this true? What composite to USB capturing device would you guys recommend me? What should I stay away from? Any help would be great.
After going back to Amazon to get a good quality converter, I decided to research a composite video capture for my computer. Basically, instead of using the video input on my screen, you plug the device into a USB port and use capturing software to display the image on a screen. This can be a big plus for me, as I always use my computer and this can allow myself to capture game play off of the sega genesis. I also heard that you can improve the video quality of the video with via capturing software.
Is this true? What composite to USB capturing device would you guys recommend me? What should I stay away from? Any help would be great.