[citation][nom]EnFoRceR22[/nom]Are you incapable of common sense at all? i highlt doubt any of thoise cpus will be in a phone. The cpu however really irrelavent it will just likely be the same as any other smart phone.. about 700mhz could be under clocked to 500 like most others untill they realise how slow it is.[/citation]
Well, the article originally said 'an intel low-voltage', then it was cleverly edited to say 'an intel low-voltage cpu'. Still, without specifying what type of cpu, it is virtually meaningless. As I pointed out, intel makes several x86 processors, as well as ARM processors, and the i960. I am sure they make other processors as well. I am saddened that tomshardware would skip mentioning it was a cpu at all. Adding the word cpu doesn't fix the issue. Perhaps they should have said what type of cpu it was. I don't know where you got the 700mhz, as no frequency was specified...