News Vintage 3dfx Voodoo5 6000 GPU Prototype GPU Bid Jumps to $12,600

It's a cool piece of history to have as a collector. Not worth as a hardware, since there are decent glide wrappers available.

Yes, this. Someone in the first article on this commented that the prototype EVGA 4090 at this price is worth more because of the performance - but performance is NOT why people pay a fortune for these sorts of things (even if I personally find it all a bit silly). A bit like an ancient Apple prototype that went for something ridiculous.

If anything I'd say the EVGA card price made me shake my head in disbelief far more than this ever could. There's no way of knowing if, in the future, EVGA might return to the business of making graphics cards whereas 3Dfx are never going to come back. That automatically adds far more value to items such as this, and I'm almost positive that whoever ends up with it will never let it anywhere near an AGP slot.
If anything I'd say the EVGA card price made me shake my head in disbelief far more than this ever could. There's no way of knowing if, in the future, EVGA might return to the business of making graphics cards whereas 3Dfx are never going to come back. That automatically adds far more value to items such as this, and I'm almost positive that whoever ends up with it will never let it anywhere near an AGP slot.
Even if EVGA returns, they would have to return while the 4xxx series is still around and they would have to use the design they used for the prototype.
And even then it would still be a prototype.

I'm not saying that these prices make sense but at least these are prototypes which makes them rare and somewhat desirable, they are not mass produced nintendo cartridges that go for millions even though there are many of them still around.