[SOLVED] Virtual display software


Aug 13, 2009
Unfortunately my display has a lowish resolution (1600x900 px) and I'd like to screenshot something at a higher resolution; if I had a friend with a 4K display, I'd ask (but I don't). I'm wondering if there's a free software to do so (either as in freedom or as in no cost), which is what I think is called a virtual display (perhaps it's a real term?). If there's no such think or it's too complicated to set up, I'd like the following.

I can't get a large enough version of http://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=11nyC6TX49v1JL-t2VblCTyPwlFrmDkrK in a screenshot. The biggest I made was by making my display in portrait mode but it's small; I've added red lines near the corners of what I require to be in the screenshot making
If someone with a large resolution would kindly zoom as much as possible so *all* the required area (within the red lines) is included and is as close as possible to the distance indicator (currently at the bottom) ? The sidebar is not required; one may hide it in its header 3 vertical dots (clicking on it) then Collapse map legend.
It's from the nvidia control panel ,Dynamic Super Resolution it let's you play games at 4k on a 1080 screen,for whatever reasons I don't get it either,but it's fun to play around.

Yes, thank you again.

The only results from "DSR software" seem to have nothing to do with image scaling or display manipulation (including GPU manipulation). Could you let me know what it is so I don't need to rely on someone else if I have such an issue later?