Can we take a minute to talk about how VGA frames per second and display frequency are not so closely related as the article seems to imply? It is an incorrect assumption that one needs XX FPS in order to display at XX hertz. While it is pretty obvious that a display that refreshes slower than your VGA buffer will not be able to display all of the information on the screen, it is possible that this information would not be perceived in the first place. On the other hand if a display refreshes faster than the buffer, this may or may not be perceived by the eye.
Cinema displays have managed to convey fluid motion from long ago by using 24fps imagery with some motion blur. On the other hand, games with very sharp and fast-moving graphics can become choppy at much higher refresh rates, because the changes in detail are much more abrupt.
The theory behind this comes from the Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem, which in short states that the sampling frequency of a sampling device should be (at least) twice that of the highest frequency component sinusoidal contained in the sampled signal, otherwise aliasing will happen. This means that the occurrence of aliasing and consequent loss of information depends on both the characteristics of the original signal and the frequency of the sampling device. Thus, a digital imaging device may be able to display losslessly a given input signal but not another.
In the case of digital imagery, there are two sampling steps involved, the first occurs when the monitor samples the VGA buffer and the second one when our eyes sample the image on the screen, this last one being the one that matters most. I had some reservations treating the human eye as a digital sampling device, but these guys seem to know a lot about it and did apply this same theory:
So in short, if my limited knowledge is to any credit, a 75hz display doesn't really require 75 FPS to work properly, there are other things that come to play in this. The higher frequency is welcome in any scenario, though.