I think the first thing is defining your criteria for "Mainstream". Consider for a second, are smart-watches considered main-stream or niche?
Based on that answer will determine if VR is mainstream already, or a tech-novelty.
The argument for YES:
- You can go to the tech section of Walmart / Target and pickup a HMD for your smartphone.
So, a product you can pick up cheaply, made by multiple manufactures, and easily available. (Google Cardboard, etc..)
- Pokemon GO was technically augmented reality, and that sorta tech is all over the place.
*BLAM!* Mainstream baby!
But that isn't likely what you wanted. You want more LawnMower Man sorta VR.
You want the glasses, and the really bad-ass tech from movies.
Even if you can purchase a Occulus Rift and PSVR from your local BestBuy (and Walmart for PSVR), that is not enough to be mainstream! Nooo.. you want something bigger, cooler, more awesome for the masses!! (but.. not the poor masses.. technological divide, and allthat... and F-them!) 😉
How about this?
All the major theme parts are playing with VR experiences.
There are VR experiences (Ghostbusters VR), where you walk with a laptop on your back, and go through an adventure.
All of that is going to expand with HTC Vive Lighthouse(2), remote trackers, and wireless HMD's.
Give that another 2-5 years, and you'll start seeing VR arcades like Laser Tag arenas. (if the tech works.)
SO! That argument is based on.. do you consider rollercoasters mainstream? If so.. then (2-5) years.
Still not good enough?! (come on dude.. ya killin me.) 😉
Well, how about this.... if the resolution improves and the cost goes down, this will be a great tool for 3-d models, autocad, drafters, etc...
Give that about another (5 years).
Still?! Are you still not satisfied?! (You are a monster!) 🙁
Ok.. I have the sure fire way to convince you.. but I am at work, and can't umm.. really google these sort of articles.
VR Pron.... nobody wants to talk about it.. but ummm.. that is where the industry is making $$$ and why those cellphone headsets sell.
This argument we'll call the "Why do people keep buying VCR's?". Depending your age, you may not be aware of the 80's and the Betamax / VCR history and how it all revolved around shady movie rental places.