Virtuix Omni Now Available for Pre-Purchase

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Just sat through their KS video. That thing looks like a pretty bad contraption. No one using it appears to be comfortably "walking" or moving in any way.

I know I'm not everyone, but when I play a video game, I don't want to be exercising (or doing much other than WSAD and moving my mouse). When I'm exercising, I don't want to be playing a video game. I want to be focusing on my workout. I don't think anyone who doesn't exercise and plays video games is going to change their exercising habits with a device like this. Much less be able to afford one.
Pressure sensitive directional keys on a pad near the feet, these guys must be using wizard science. This certainly wasn't done decades ago with the NES Power Pad. I'm not saying some of the lazy slobs here couldn't use a workout, but how well is this going to work for a "hardcore" gamer that plays for several hours a day? It's real easy to do a 5 minute vid, but even people who are in shape would get tired of sprinting. It's virtual reality for the reason we want to escape the confines of the body. By this point I might as well go into the woods and play paintball instead.
I wonder why even after all the technologies that were doomed to fail and changed the world we still get naysayers and vision impaired people (as in can't see further than the day ahead). I remember not that long ago when tablets were just going to be a minor fad if anything. I mean why do people need them when they have laptops and mobile phones? LoL
I seriously was going to back it, but for a bigger guy like me it looks like a trap. I'm not huge or anything, but have a little bit of a gut. My other issue is also you would need the Rift which is still in BETA....I would rather wait than get something half-ass made(no offense) Retina RIFT is not too far off and adjustments for this will make it 10x better with Kickstarter funds(hopefully)
When I first seen this on kickstarter it had me very excited not exactly because of the product in it self but because it is that first great step to a virtual reality gaming experience. I would think many gamers(such as myself) would love to be able to step into the game and receive the most realistic experience possible. This could lead to a very exciting future for gamers! Also think of the military possibility for training scenarios and even humanoid robotic controls. Its far from whats fully expected in the idea of VR gaming but it is a great step to the future. I know I backed them on the first day of funding because i could see where this could go.
I want to shoot at what I'm not looking at! They need to make games and mods for existing games that allow a seperate HID device attached to your firearm to control the crosshairs! Big time!!!
I hear theyare working on this! Great! Is it an easy mod to create for existing games or only easy for games that are highly mod-friendly like Skyrim; or only possible with games created especially for it?

I can see vaguely how it is done. I think you could program the gun aiming so it gradually horizontally and vertically centers itself automatically if becoming out of sync with the walking direction is an issue. To add an extra HID device to control the crosshairs independent of the viewing direction to a game open to modding does not seem too difficult.
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